
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
162// How To Get More Discipline and Willpower to Lose Weight
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
There's evidence that shows that this part of the brain is more active in successful dieters and is less active in obese people!
It's also the part of the brain that controls willpower and discipline! Studies have shown that changing unhelpful thought patterns leads to an increase in activity in the part of the brain associated with willpower and discipline.
Change those unhelpful thought patterns with my course Emerge.

Saturday Dec 17, 2022
161// Do You Need More Discipline to Lose Weight?
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Is it true that it’s just calories in and calories out? Do you just need more discipline?
In this episode I begin to dive into some of these questions and explain that your brain and nervous system is the thing that regulates your body weight and energy intake.
It’s totally possible to change your weight, but you need to understand the role your mindset (and nervous system) has on regulating your food intake and weight.
>>> Also I’m currently enrolling clients for my 3 month package at $5555 and 6 monthly package at $9999, this includes a very high level of access to me, including daily voxer mon-fri (if needed) and weekly 60-90 sessions. Email hello@nodietbabe.com for enquires.
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
♡ Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
♡ Work with Barbara privately for 6 months - DM on instagram @nodietbabe or email hello@nodietbabe.com
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/no-diet-babe/id1435023529

Saturday Nov 26, 2022
160// She’s lost 22 pounds so far!
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
She has lost 22 pounds in the last 3 months and here's what she did!
She was obsessed with my manifestation techniques and studied them profusely and implemented everything I have taught her and here she is!
Not only that but we are now working through her trauma around maintaining her weight loss! So many people lose weight but then gain it back because they haven't mastered this part of their mindset and energy!
I talk about simplifying weight loss and why over complication is a sign of dieting trauma and limiting beliefs at play!
I’m currently enrolling clients for my 3 & 6 monthly package with a $1111 discount - discount limited to only THREE clients! Business coaching is also available! This includes a very high level of access to me, including daily voxer mon-fri (if needed) and weekly 60-90 sessions. Email hello@nodietbabe.com for enquiries.
BLACK FRIDAY MADNESS BUNDLE! THREE FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF ONE! https://nodietbabe.lpages.co/black-friday-madness-bundle/
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
♡ Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
♡ Work with Barbara privately for 3 OR 6 months - DM on instagram @nodietbabe or email hello@nodietbabe.com

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
159// When You’ve Tried Everything To Lose Weight & Nothing Works
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
When you feel like the work and diets aren't working it’s time for a perspective shift!
When it comes to manifesting something - whether it’s your dream body, relationship or money - you have to have a solution based focus, NOT a lack based focus. Too many people are expecting results to be instantaneous when changing their subconscious mind and as a result they delay their transformation even more! Because the transformation isn’t happening on their timeline - they conclude that things don’t work, instead of realizing setbacks and slow shifting of reality can be part of the journey.
Listen to this episode to help you overcome this mindset and manifest weight loss and your dream life!
I explain how your personality around food and weight needs to change to change your reality around food and weight.
Listen to this episode if you tend to conclude that nothing works and you’ve tried everything to lose weight.
I’m currently enrolling clients for my 3 & 6 monthly package with a $1111 discount - discount limited to only THREE clients! Business coaching is also available! This includes a very high level of access to me, including daily voxer mon-fri (if needed) and weekly 60-90 sessions. Email hello@nodietbabe.com for enquiries.
SALE!! Emerge is on SALE!! Grab it here before time runs out! It’s my Ultimate Weight Loss Manifestation Course - www.nodietbabe.com/emerge
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
♡ Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
♡ Work with Barbara privately for 6 months - DM on instagram @nodietbabe or email hello@nodietbabe.com
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/no-diet-babe/id1435023529

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
158// Are You Even Ready For Fat Loss?
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Most people are about pushing and forcing themselves to lose weight. I’m yet to meet a client that isn’t desperate to lose weight and has done nothing BUT force themselves to lose weight in the past.
But this is the very problem, you’re not looking at what’s actually happening, instead your limiting beliefs are creating cognitive distortions and you continue to feel fat, exhausted, helpless, hopeless, frustrated, powerless, disgusting, heavy, shame, guilt, anger, frustration, stress and anxiety.
I’ll teach you what’s actually going on and what you can do about it so you can have fat loss for life!
Listen to this episode if you tend to gain weight back after you have lost it, you feel like you have a slow metabolism, or have to eat perfectly to lose weight.
I’m currently enrolling clients for my 6 monthly package at $9999, this includes a very high level of access to me, including daily voxer mon-fri (if needed) and weekly 60-90 sessions. Email hello@nodietbabe.com for enquiries.
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
♡ Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
♡ Work with Barbara privately for 6 months - DM on instagram @nodietbabe or email hello@nodietbabe.com

Monday Dec 27, 2021
157// Do Your Beliefs Create Your Weight?
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Unpopular opinion, the only thing between you and your dream body is your mind. In saying that, I’m not saying that reprogramming your subconscious mind is an easy feat, however, it creates your weight.
The story of your weight will feel real to you, because you are fused to your beliefs, meaning - you have a feeling that the thoughts in your head are “just how it is”.
You may have been told that weight is a result of your genes or your hormones, as if it’s separate from your control - but it’s not, it’s all in your control. My mission is always to expand, not limit you!
I also share a real time lesson of feeling deserving of your manifestations and why we sometimes reject what we want because we feel afraid to lose it.
Listen to this episode if you need to reignite your belief in the power of creating your reality around your weight and manifesting weight loss
Get the Boxing Day Madness Sale HERE: http://nodietbabe.com/boxingday
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
♡ Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
♡ Work with Barbara privately for 3 months - DM on instagram @nodietbabe or email hello@nodietbabe.com

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
156// When It Feels Like You Manifest Everything But Weight Loss
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Do you feel like you can manifest a job, a house or a pay rise, perhaps new clients in your business and money when you want it, but when it comes to weight loss you are left clueless wondering if Law of Attraction applies to weight loss? It starts to seem like it’s separate from everything else and your subconscious mind compartmentalizes this part of the Law of Attraction as if the Laws of the Universe don’t apply to this part of life.
The good news is that manifestation does apply to weight loss just as much as anything else! It’s all about your belief systems and associations with weight loss.
Listen to this episode if you need to reignite your belief in the power of creating your reality around your weight and manifesting weight loss
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
♡ Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
♡ Get my Weight Loss Affirmation and Prayer Meditations & Subliminal Package for the 13 most common weight loss blocks HERE: www.nodietbabe.com/subliminals
♡ Work with Barbara privately for 3 months - DM on instagram @nodietbabe or email hello@nodietbabe.com
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/no-diet-babe/id1435023529
Android – https://manifestingdollpodcast.nodietbabe.com

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
155 // How to Reprogram Your Beliefs about Getting Older
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Do you notice how everyone is constantly focused on age?
Society really plays a large role in how “old” we feel and how we look at ourselves. I’m always looking at my perception of the world and my life and I want to be able to fix this.
I’m almost 36 years old and I found myself having a lot of anxiety over my age. We have been in and out of lockdown for almost two years in Melbourne and I feel a sense of time being taken away from me.
This really made me want to change my perspective of age and how I look at it without grieving the past and loss of time.
I want to talk to you about the process of me changing my perspective around age and seeing the world in a different way.
I am constantly wondering why I am so caught up in the number of what age I am. It feels like the second you turn 25, you are “old.” People seem to think you are on a downhill path as you approach 30.
Thinking about how much time I have left instead of how old I actually am has helped me change the way I think about things. It has made me think differently about the concept that my time is running out.
Maybe you’re scared to put yourself out there, start a new career, find a new partner, or go back to school. What if you want to write a book, or start a business, or lose weight.
You get caught up in your age and how things are just happening to you instead of you being able to create your own reality. There are no rules to what you can and cannot do at a certain age.
You can start a new career at any age. You can lose weight at any age. You can start exercising again at any age. You can fall in love again at any age. Let's change the narrative here and look at things differently.
Are you focusing on how old you are? Or how young you are?
Do you want to join us? My course EmergeI just wanted to let you know that my course eMERGE is my ultimate manifestation course around weight loss. In Emerge, we teach you to reprogram your emotions around food and weight.
Check it out at, www.nodietbabe.com/emerge
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
154 // Yes! You Can Manifest Your Body Too!
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
I've noticed this trend going on recently. People have mastered an area of their life through manifestation. Maybe they manifested their dream home, their partner, a car, or an outfit they've been looking for. But when it comes to weight loss, they say it doesn't work for that.
The laws of the universe don't just suddenly adjust themselves for weight loss. If you are paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, than it doesn't mean that it is working while you are visualizing yourself living in your dream home and not when you want to lose weight.
Manifestation is about action. It means that there is an alignment between your actions, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs because action is behavior.
When you take action to search for a job, find a new house on the internet, or meet your soulmate through online dating, that is a behavior.
Behaviors come from thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. So it all goes hand in hand.
If you are doing something like starting a business, a lot more action has to go into all the steps it takes to get started. With weight loss, there is a lot less action that has to happen.
You already eat every day, so it is nothing extra. Initially the first few months will be a lot of work and require lots of action. But after a few months, it will become natural to you and you will lose that long term dieting mentality.
Emotional eating is pretty easy to overcome, I've see it in my clients. Lots of people gain weight because of emotions. You over eat when you're sad, you eat more when you're happy, etc. We help you treat the root of the weight, which is emotional eating.
There's an attachment to food that is very difficult to break when you're an emotional eater.
If you're wondering, how do I manifest weight loss, then I have the course for you. My most comprehensive weight loss manifestation course is called Emerge and it is available right now for over $200 off when you pay in full. I haven't offered it at this price in years!
If you've always been trying to lose weight but something's always getting in the way or you tend to self sabotage and you just can't execute it. Maybe there's some kind of block you have that you're carrying around, have anxiety around food decisions, or feel depressed. This course is going to help you put an end to all that.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
153 // What To Do When You Have Brain Fog
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Feeling some sort of heaviness? What about an inability to take action? Just not able to get clarity?
I call this Brain Fog.
Maybe you’re trying to lose weight and you just feel confused or overwhelmed. You don’t really know what steps to take or what actions come next. That can be brain fog.
Brain fog can mean that sometimes you really beat yourself up with the mentality of getting things done. For instance, get up off the couch, go to the gym, get groceries, and meal prep, and get your shit together. Making yourself feel terrible.
Sometimes you might see headlines about not eating too much and being disciplined which can lead to some huge brain fog in this area. Those headlines don’t take into account binge eating because of being too disciplined, traumas around food, or different relationships.
An inability to take action in all of these things or mindlessly going through life wondering what to do next is what I might consider brain fog. You might be stuck in a rut, or frozen. You lack clarity, feel overwhelmed, and are constantly wondering where the time has gone and what to do next.
This isn’t just a weight loss thing. This is universal to money, relationships, weight loss, etc. So, how do we overcome it and clear the mental fog?
Well, we need to do the mindset and the trauma work. We need to heal. Don’t try to run a marathon when you have a broken leg. You have to get past the clarity block before you can overcome the brain fog.
I have found this amazing device called Healy and it’s absolutely changed my life. This is a medical device that you hook onto your wrists and it sends a current of energy to yourself. There are loads of different programs that have specific frequencies that can help you realize what stages you are in and help you in your healing.
I have an amazing deal for you with Healy for the next five days. I’m not making any claims about what it can do, I’m just speaking of my wonderful experience with it! The link is below. It adds the discount at the cart and you can DM me.
If you are interested in joining me, head to the link below to sign up while the Academy is on sale. This goes into the deeper belief systems and the core reasons why you hold on to weight. This will give you the confidence around your food decisions and assist you in healing the constant cycle of yo yo dieting and binge eating. This sale is on for the rest of June!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras