
Monday Aug 05, 2019
92 // How To Know If You Are Emotionally Eating
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Wanting to lose weight, but feel triggered by even hearing about calorie deficits? Don’t identify as an emotional or binge eater, but still struggle to lose weight? You might be subtly being an emotional eater. It doesn’t have to be extremely obvious like TV shows like to show.
Everyone has subtle emotional eating habits, listen here for the signs you need to watch out for.
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Aug 02, 2019
91 // You Get To Set The Rules Around How Your Weight Gets To Be
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
I observe so many people and their weight stories in my daily life and I full “See” how it is they are creating their reality around their food and weight.
You have the power to decide - you get a choice about how life gets to be for you, you create your own reality. Observe your limitations and break free from your ego and create the life and body you want.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Jul 29, 2019
90// Are You Willing To Do What It Takes To Lose Weight?
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
You have what it takes to lose weight - but are you willing?
Many of you are willing to take action on a diet short term, but are you willing to do the deep inner work?
Are you willing to meet your Universal Assignment and grow as a person? Are you willing to keep putting in the work even if the manifestation hasn’t come about yet?
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Jul 26, 2019
89// Do Certain Foods Make You Gain Weight?
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
During my yo-yo dieting days and even at my heaviest weight I held this firm belief that I had to avoid certain foods in order to lose or maintain weight loss. I thought that I was doomed with a poor metabolism and that I could never be a naturally slim person who gets to eat whatever they want.
If you tend to get jealous of what other people get to eat, feel like others are lucky to get to eat certain foods and you aren’t allowed to or believe that certain foods make you fat - this episode is for you!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Jul 22, 2019
88// Feeling Fat? Take These Steps
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
I notice a trend with those that eat emotionally and those who tend to fluctuate between their heaviest weight and losing weight and gaining it back. The amount of time and energy they spend feeling fat and worrying about their weight.
This was a huge habitual pattern that I had to break in order to manifest weight loss and a reality where my weight no longer fluctuated.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Jul 19, 2019
87// You Are Slim Because You Exercise - The Biggest Fallacy
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
I find it so interesting talking to people about my weight. I get all sorts of people putting me in a different category to them or setting rules around their own weight.
People say I’m slim because I exercise yet I went through a long phase of not exercising. People say I can eat carbs and say slim because “I’m different” yet I used to struggle eating carbs.
There are so many “stories” that people tell themselves as to why they can’t lose weight.
It’s time to re-frame your thinking - change your actions. Your body is the instrument of your mind.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Jul 15, 2019
86// What Is Alignment And How Do We Apply It To Weight Loss?
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Many of you ask me...what is alignment. How do I get into vibrational alignment with weight loss, so in this episode I describe to you my perspective and delve deeper into becoming a vibrational match to weight loss.
In order to lose weight & maintain your desired weight, you have to become a person who does that. You have to be a person who makes the right decisions around food. You have to be a person who no longer emotionally eats or binge eats.You have to be a person that goes to the gym regularly etc. They let's say that this is what we call a success mindset around food & weight.
When you see someone who has lost weight you automatically think okay, let me copy their behaviors, but somehow somewhere along the lines you always fall short, right? You always fall short. Why can't you be the person who does that?
Your behavior stems from your thinking so you have to learn to change your you're thinking - shift your thinking and become a person that does those things - and that is what I mean by becoming a vibrational match!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
85// How Fast Should You Lose Weight?
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
So many get caught up in how quickly they lose weight! When you have been struggling with a weight issue for years and years and years, you can’t get caught up in how quickly you lose the weight!
In today’s episode I talk about how quick is healthy weight loss & how to speed up your weight loss if it’s not fast enough.
I also talk about the key self sabotaging thought patterns and weight loss strategies that may hinder your results long term.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Jul 05, 2019
84// Could It Be That Easy To Manifest Weight Loss?
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Yes it can! Rise above your ego and tune into this podcast to get your surge of motivational energy and belief around your ability to manifest your ideal weight and feel empowered and in control around food,
Say goodbye to feeling powerless and deprived.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Jul 01, 2019
83// If You Are Eating Too Much Do This
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
What should you do when you keep eating too much and regret it afterwards? What about when you try intuitive eating and you gain weight?
Take these steps to get yourself out of the rut and tune into the real solution. The solution is not to conclude that you are broken or can never lose weight. I promise you can but beating yourself up is NOT the answer!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras