
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
42// How To Diet Without The Dieting Mentality
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Having scarcity around food leads to self sabotage and so the way I always approach weight loss is without the dieting mentality.
I talk about those who may look good after a 12 week dieting program but then yo-yo up and down after that over the months and years.
From a law of attraction perspective why you can’t view food in the dieting perspective.
3 days left to sign up for Intuitive Macros!!
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
41 // Taking Aligned Action Around Weight Loss
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Typically we go on diets using our willpower and miss the most important factor. Taking into consideration our emotions.
I spent years trying to have willpower and discipline to lose weight and end emotional eating, but that got me nowhere except yo-yo dieting and weight fluctuations.
What I realised is that you can only follow structure and strategies around food if you have emotional intelligence. You know that you have to have awareness of and manage your emotions.
Using your emotions as a guidance system around weight loss.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Monday Jan 21, 2019
40 // Reprogramming Your Beliefs
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
The messed up dieting mentality caused me to fluctuate in weight and reprogramming my beliefs around food has allowed my weight to remain stable and feel effortless. I no longer feel deprived around food.
How I’ve noticed that people who are disciplined have the aligned beliefs and practice law of attraction without realising. I started to realise years ago that trying to stick to a diet or get obsessed about copying how a fitness model eats didn't work long term, I realised I had to change my beliefs and think like a person who has a naturally slim weight without dieting.
I talk about how I’ve been able to reprogram my beliefs around food and weight and now in other areas and now I notice how different my thinking is to others.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Thursday Jan 17, 2019
39 // Should You Count Calories?
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
How to decide if you should be counting calories. How to combine a weight loss strategy with law of attraction.
There are so many strategies for weight loss and I want women to understand that it isn’t about copying how someone else eats and that it’s about working with your requirements and your mindset.
Everyone's food/energy requirement is different. Everyone’s emotional requirements around strategy is different.
I used to and still can feel my appetite rising if I tell myself I have to go on a diet, which is where calorie counting can be detrimental if you hold a lot of trauma around dieting. But the calorie counting itself is not the problem. It’s the relationship to dieting that is the issue and the dieting mindset and poor relationship to food.
The key to a weight loss strategy is that it feels easy and makes you feel abundant around food. The way you perceive a weight loss tool will determine whether or not you will stick to it.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free

Monday Jan 14, 2019
38 // What Pisses Me Off About Discipline Around Food & Exercise
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
With all the New Year Resolutions and plans to do better I don’t want you to get caught up in perfectionism around having to “perform” a certain way around food & exercise.
When you set a perfectionism standard and then push yourself to “be disciplined” from the wrong energy it encourages self sabotage and yo-yo weight related behaviours around food.
This episode is for those people who think they have to be more disciplined to succeed but end up giving up because they feel “lesser than” when they don’t measure up.
If you have ever been made to feel like you aren’t disciplined enough because you didn’t stick to a food or exercise plan, this episode is for you!
Intuitive macros the new program starting soon! DM me for details!
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
37 // What Happens When You Eat Inconsistently
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
My recent trip to Bali and eating. Like I’ve said in a previous podcast I feel like my appetite takes a bit to adjust to the warmer climate, which led to a yo-yo in my appetite. Perfect example of what happens when you go on low cal diets or eat less than usual.
Today’s episode I’m talking more the practical side of weight loss because many women I work with have a history of unknowingly putting themselves in a large calorie deficit and then struggling with yo-yo weight like I used to.
In addition to emotional/mindset work around food I recommend people look at being more consistent with energy intake of food if they want to have stability with weight loss.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Monday Jan 07, 2019
36 // Why Black & White Thinking Sabotages You
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
When really rigid perceptions of the World, dieting, food and day to day situations sabotage you and fuel your emotional eating. Black and white thinking is so strongly linked to self sabotage.
People who operate from the ego tend to have strong black and white thinking tendencies. This is also where the fear of failure is strong because of black and white thinking people seeing either success or failure as a very rigid thing.
How to deal with black and white thinking from others around you wanting to do the mindset & manifestation inner work.
How black and white thinking will affect your dieting and overcoming your emotional eating.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
35 // When Intuitive Eating Goes Wrong Part 2
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
I’m always hungry, how on Earth can I trust myself!! If I don’t diet I will gain even more weight!
What to do when you can’t trust yourself to eat intuitively and you start gaining weight.
When eating till you are full means you start gaining weight.
Intuitive eating works for everyone, you just have to recondition yourself around food.
What to do instead of coming to the conclusion that intuitive eating doesn’t work for you.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Sunday Dec 30, 2018
34 // When Intuitive Eating Goes Wrong Part 1
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
The benefits of intuitive eating from a law of attraction perspective.
When our hunger has been conditioned for so long, your body is trustworthy, it’s the conditioning you’ve had that makes you believe that you can’t trust your body.
What to do when you don’t feel like eating but you are trying to be intuitive.
How to feel in charge of your eating.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.

Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
33 // When The Pressure Of Goals Create Resistance
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018
Manifestation is all about changing your fear based conditioning. It’s the implementation that counts. In order to recondition yourself it takes repetition and daily practice.
Even when you believe in manifestation and the ego finds other ways to make you think you aren’t on track.
When limiting beliefs disguise themselves as protecting you.
The added pressure we place on our goals that cause resistance. How sometimes your weight loss goals can add pressure.
One on one coaching spots currently available http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
♡ For 1-1 weight loss manifestation coaching with Barbara, go to http://nodietbabe.com/1on1coaching.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free.