
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
152// You Have A Right To Do What You Want With Your Body
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Podcast Episode 152
I was told at age 15 that I was fat.
I was convinced from that moment on that something was wrong with me.
I decided I wasn’t going to eat anymore. I had so much shame around my body from that point onwards and I developed a massive eating disorder as a teenager.
Think back to a time when you were a teenager looking at a magazine. You probably found yourself thinking that the woman on the cover looks fat, even though she looks absolutely amazing.
Society has done this to us. Society has had a huge part in conditioning us to believe that one weight or a certain type of body is better than another.
Even when you are at a healthy weight, you are fed messages that the women you see are fat, and if that’s true then you must also be fat.
There is so much focus on a woman’s body. Women’s bodies are more scrutinized than a man’s body. Everyone seems to have an opinion about our bodies.
Well I’m here to tell you:
You have a right to feel good, comfortable, and confident in your body right now as it is. You have a right to do what you want with your body.
That might mean losing weight, getting cosmetic surgeries, getting Botox, wearing or not wearing makeup, dressing the way you want. Whatever it is that makes you feel happy, you have a right to do that.
Love yourself, love the way your body looks. Not only that, but realize there is more to life than what you look like. There’s more to you than the way you look. You’re a human being, you’re not an object.
If you are interested in joining my free weight loss course head to the link below to sign up. This course goes into the deeper belief systems and the core reasons why you hold on to weight.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
151 // Tempted by a Strict Diet? Listen Here!
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Imagine you are going to work and you meet someone who is loosing weight. They look amazing and you are insanely jealous. And then she tells you all about this new lose weight quick diet plan that she is on and you want in. You get all the things you need and you decide to start. . .
I know you’ve done this. Because that is what I’ve done. I’ve told myself that I’m going to wake up tomorrow and be this completely new person, but for today I get to be that person who eats everything out of the cupboards. And just get the euphoria of everything that is going to change later.
This is trauma. Somewhere along the line, you developed trauma. You’ve been taught to repress emotions or avoid emotions, and basically just not regulate your nervous system correctly. And this is where the euphoria of a new diet comes into play. You have reinforced the need to have a problem (aka gaining the weight back) because you are reinforcing the coping mechanism. Your brain would rather focus on controlling your weight than your emotions.
Weight loss is your healing fantasy.
It’s time to look at yourself and ask why you keep running from yourself. Because at the end of the day, you can lose weight physically. And yes, you will feel euphoria in the beginning. But when that dies down, you are still within your body. You need to learn to feel good in it and heal within as well.
I’m not telling you that you can’t lose weight. I want to help you heal and stop the cycle of constant weight loss and weight gain. Instead, let’s heal and lose the weight once instead of over, and over, and over again.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Feb 01, 2021
150// Can You Manifest Without Taking Action Towards Weight Loss?
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Do you think it's possible to defy science with manifestation and make the impossible possible?
Is it possible to manifest (aka think) my way into my dream body by never exercising, not trying to eat healthy, and sitting on the couch and gorging on junk food all day?
Can the power of manifestation be used to defy science in this way?
Here’s the thing:
Never exercising, not wanting to eat healthy, and wanting to eat junk food all day are signs of emotional issues. There are so many layers to this. Food and weight issues are just secondary to the original issues you might have. Learning to deal with and cope with past traumas is the real issue. You develop so many coping mechanisms like obsessions with diet, exercise, and weight gain. But healing those relationships to food and trusting your body needs to come first.
If you are really healed from your childhood trauma, you won’t desire to gorge on junk food all day. Not that you will be perfect and never have an issue again, but if you are healed from the emotional issues, you won’t desire these things.
Your true essence is wanting to live, wanting to be happy, and wanting to move your body. If you are your highest self version, you wouldn’t operate from this place of wanting to sit on the couch and george on junk food all day, every day.
Group Coaching is one of the most amazing, exciting experiences. I’ve seen so many women transform through the power of group coaching and my voxer support.
I am offering group coaching on an ongoing month to month basis. This is only available for the next few days!
We will be doing all aspects of manifesting weight loss from understanding why we develop weight issues, healing the trauma, inner child work, and healing the relationship to food.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
149 // Your Diet May Be Failing For This Reason
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Are your thoughts preoccupied with food and weight? Maybe they are consumed with weight loss? Or how you're going to lose weight?
Are you constantly setting the intention to lose weight, but noticing that you never really get to an end point where you're satisfied. You may be satisfied short term, but then you're right back to square one, or maybe even gained more weight? You then find yourself wondering where the hell the diet is that’s going to work?
These types of patterns are just a preoccupation with dieting and weight loss. Your diet may be failing for this reason.
There's never any resolution with diets. There's never any end point. There's never any satisfaction or fulfillment around the food and the weight. It's a never ending cycle. And it's a constant up and down. Every single year. It's a new resolution, but there's no forward movement. Instead, there's sometimes backwards movement.
These things just distract you from the emotional work that needs to be done. You have to do the emotional work to determine why your diet might be failing you.
We cover all of these in my course Emerge. Emerge is designed to help you shift your emotions and your identity. What better way to start the new year, then to actually start doing the deep inner work.
Ask yourself, where do you want to be in a year's time? Do you want to be setting the same resolution to finally change your habits? To change your weight? To change what you do around food? How do you experience food? And what happens to your weight? Or do you want to create permanent change?
This is what my course Emerge is all about. Emerge is now a self paced course. This gives you the opportunity to do the course at a lower cost investment.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
148 // Emotional Eater? Or Just Storing Emotional Weight
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
You know when you have those emotions. When you feel inadequate, you feel inferior, and you loathe yourself and you want to hide and disappear?
You think that the solution is to lose weight. Because you feel exposed, you feel humiliated, they can see your flaws. Your brain has come to the conclusion that if I lose weight, I will get rid of this emotion of shame. And people will love me.
A lot of people say, “I’m not an emotional eater.”
That’s fine. But there are still emotions involved as to why you are holding on to weight or fluctuating weight.
Emotional eating isn’t the best term to use when describing this. But it’s really about shifting your emotional relationship to food in your body. Another way to describe it is determining the reason why people hold on to weight.
The foundation of everything in life is our emotions.
What does it look like to have an obsession with your weight? It looks like you've been trying to do the task of losing weight for years.
Perhaps sometimes you've even succeeded. But the majority of the time you feel helpless. You cycle between periods of being successful, and being unsuccessful. And during your periods of being unsuccessful, you want to run from your body.
You'll have episodes where you feel so uncomfortable in your body that you just want to find something or someone that can make it go away. That is a sure sign that there is emotional shit that you're running from 100%.
Your ability to feel comfortable and confident in your body has nothing to do with your weight. It's got to do with the pathways in your brain. It has to do with the emotions involved with eating.
When you embark on manifesting weight loss, and you start doing this work, you are going to start to have such a profound amount of understanding about yourself. You will have healing and you will get better and you will improve all areas of your life and eventually lose weight as well. Because the issue with weight loss is always coming back to emotions.
Looking to completely transform your relationship to food?
The doors are now open to Emerge! It's a self paced course without the support, and then if you want the support, you can join my group coaching after the first of the year.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Have you gained weight during the pandemic and during this year? I know that for a lot of you, this year was really, really tough. We have been in isolation. If any of you were in isolation, you might be telling me that because I was stuck at home and bored, I have gained weight for whatever those reasons may be.
Maybe you are super anxious about going to Christmas parties or having people you know seeing that you gained weight because you’ve been hiding at home.
Do you want to know what to do about the anxiety of seeing people, and also where to go from here and moving forward in 2021?
Why don’t we go beyond the traditional way to lose weight and look at the potential to create whatever reality you want.Maybe you felt stuck, claustrophobic, bored, depressed, or any of the kinds of negative emotions that come with isolation.
The first step is to really assess how you’re going about these holidays. Because if you are desperately trying to find a way to lose weight quickly and are stuck in this quick fix mentality - like losing water weight, skipping meals and then binging at the parties with food and drinks, then you may need to reassess. If you continue that mindset, you’re just reinforcing those long-term habits that keep you in the yo yo dieting schedule.
Imagine saying to yourself, this is the last Christmas ever that I’m going to feel like this, and the last Christmas that I set a weight loss goal for the next year. Can you imagine a reality where you never ever have to set a weight loss goal because you’ve kept it off. That is what I experience. I don’t have to set a weight loss goal each year because I maintain the same weight. This is the reality I wanted because it’s exhausting to have to do it over and over again. I teach people to create this reality as well.
Need some help digging into your personal mindset work?
My one-on-one coaching has spots open! We’ll dig deep into the stories that you tell yourself or have held as a belief since childhood. See how they affect your relationship with food and set goals to change them.
My coaching package includes Voxer support, weekly Zoom coaching calls (with replay ability!), and access to all of my courses as well. Plus, you get access to the courses as well after signing up for one-on-one coaching.
If you would like more information, email me at barbaraorban@nodietbabe.com
We’ll jump on a call to see if this is really the best fit for you!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Ep 146// When The Work To Manifest Isn't Working
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
This episode is about what to do when you feel like your manifestation work isn’t working. When you feel frustrated, your brain says there must be something missing because you feel worse and you feel like nothing is working out for you.
Do you believe that all your problems will be healed when you lose weight? You believe that losing weight will make you feel confident and loveable?
What if you’ve got so much knowledge but it hasn’t clicked yet? You feel like you have done so much work hasn’t it clicked yet. Listen to this episode if this sounds like you!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Ep 145// Do You Have To Be Happy To Manifest Weight Loss
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Your habitual thought patterns are what create how you feel about your weight. So you want to lose weight because you want to feel good about yourself - but how you feel about yourself has to do with the neural pathways activated in your brain.
You want to lose weight to feel less self conscious, more confident, attractive, worthy, deserving, but you also want to feel good around food - you want a positive experience around food. The questions my listeners asked me then is - so do I have to be happy all the time no matter my circumstances in order to lose weight?
We want to change our circumstances to be happy, so why is happiness such a huge price to pay? Listen to the episode to learn more about if you have to be happy all the time in order to manifest weight loss.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
144 // Weight Loss Challenge Replay Day 5
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Day 5 Replay!
Today's episode is about reflecting over your homework from the previous days in the challenge and seeing that manifesting weight loss is about your relationship to food and weight.
If you liked this podcast take a screen shot and tag me on instagram @nodietbabe and don't forget to leave a review!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
143 // Weight Loss Challenge Replay Day 4
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Day 4 Replay!
Day 4 is about really getting this into your head: You are at the weight you are currently at because of the stories that you are currently a match to.
This challenge is a process of shifting your beliefs and emotions about yourself. It's also accepting the ego, accepting the negative thoughts and not making them mean that you are screwed up or that you are doing something wrong or that you are on the wrong path.. because you aren't.
It's okay to honor how you feel about it right now rather than beating yourself up about where you are.
If you focus on your energy you can implement all that I am teaching you for weight loss. The ego is going to tell you that you cannot do it but that is not true. Remember, the negative voice inside your head is a liar.
Manifesting isn't about getting instant success, it's about spiritual growth. If you keep going you can experience the same level as success that myself and all of my clients have experienced, I promise.
ALSO BABE: Take the manifestation work even deeper with Emerge. Manifesting weight loss is about your emotions in relationship to your body, hunger, fullness and food decisions. The work in Emerge is what I and others have used to lose weight and keep it off.
If you liked this podcast take a screen shot and tag me on instagram @nodietbabe and don't forget to leave a review!
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nodietbabe
♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras