
Friday Sep 27, 2019
102 // Managing Your Calorie Deficit Correctly Changes Everything
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Approaching weight loss from a strategic angle can be terrifying, the “rules” of weight loss can hold you back. Calories is not a dirty word. Food & calories are energy and must be respected as such.
Truly listening to your body and hunger can help you find what your natural calorie actually is and what would constitute a calorie deficit to start to lose weight. It also helps you realize that when you hit a plateau in weight loss, it isn’t because you are failing, but that your body has re-adjusted to the calorie deficit.
Cookie-cutter diets are unrealistic. They can’t work for everyone, it’s just not possible. Some people need more energy in a day, and others need less. Instead of helping everyone lose weight, they can easily instead make people think that something is wrong with them. That’s what happened to me. I wasn’t losing the weight, so obviously, there had to be something wrong with me, not the diet.
This, in turn, reinforced every single limiting belief that I had with my dieting mentality.
Calories are not the problem themselves. The problem is our mindset around them and not feeding our bodies correctly.
Working your calorie deficit correctly and knowing when to re-feed your metabolism completely changes your concept of weight loss. And can change your life as well.
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
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Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
101// Are You A Dieting Guru But Still Struggle?
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
For many years I felt like I knew of and tried every diet out there. I was doing all the things I was meant to do. Eat healthy and go to the gym - you could say I was the best dieter and if there was an award for dieting effort - I should have won it!
But sadly I would go through periods of feeling hopeless and lost my ability to maintain my weight completely. I would obsess and wonder why on Earth I couldn’t eat certain foods without gaining weight and fast!
I had to find the missing piece around self love that I never learnt from any diet.
Get social with Barbara:
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
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Friday Sep 20, 2019
100 // When People Have An Opinion On Your Body Or What You Eat
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
It can be one of the hardest things to get negative thoughts out of your own head, it's even worse when someone is saying them in the physical world too. It can be a significant other, family member, or even just a critical passer-by. We can’t let a negative comment become an internalized thought.
Notice it. Be aware of it. Reframe it. And switch it.
Don’t let it affect your reality in a negative way.
Manifestation is about bringing the unconscious thought process to the conscious so that you can become aware of it. So when your thoughts are changing or being affected by negativity, you are aware enough to be able to change it.
Many people try to use negative as their motivation for weight loss. To be able to prove the person who said the negative comment wrong. But this isn’t sustainable motivation and it will not end well for you. This motivation does not come from an easy place.
Now, I am not telling you to bottle up these comments and not to feel them. This will not help you either. It is ok to feel your feelings about the comment. It’s actually the healthiest thing for you. Feel them, and then move past them.
Remember, those who will be critical of your body are most likely critical of their own body too.
Build confidence in your own body.
You build your own reality. Do not let it be skewed by critical words.
Get social with Barbara:
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Sep 16, 2019
99 // Overwhelmed With Weight Loss Information?
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
It’s time to think strategically for your weight loss. So you go to the internet and start learning everything that you can about practical tips and stories of people who have had success.
While this can seem like a good way to start, what is it actually doing to your mindset?
As you start to take in too much information and start to focus too much on strategy, this can all end in striving for perfectionism and creating rules that don’t work you. Which then ruins your chances at long term success as you become stressed and eventually give up.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you can’t use any practical advice to lose weight. Practical advice has its place and of course, is useful, but when you give yourself information overload, that is where people often want to and do give up.
You have to pick a strategy that is sustainable for you!
Weight loss isn’t quick. It needs to be a plan that you can do long term. Actual fat loss takes weeks and months to lose. Quick fixes are most likely making you lose water and muscle and won’t continue long term.
Overwhelm makes it easy to give up.
When we are in alignment with ourselves, we naturally set our bodies on the course to how they should be. Be this maintenance when you are already sitting at your bodies ideal weight, or a natural calorie deficit to get to your ideal weight.
Things naturally want to live and grow. If it isn’t, it is because we are blocking it in some way or another. Same with weight loss. Fighting that block is when we get the most overwhelmed.
Get social with Barbara:
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
98 // Becoming a Vibrational Match to Your Weight Loss
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
What thoughts circle your mind? Are they stopping your weight loss journey?
A repeating topic across my coaching programs and courses seems to be limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. We are continuing to beat ourselves up around our weight loss path, and it prevents us from becoming a vibrational match to the person that we want to be.
Think of a student in school, if we continue to tell that student that he is horrible, he shouldn’t even try to do something because he was horrible at it his first try, and he’s just so naughty. Who do you think that student is going to become? He’s going to give up on the thing that interests him and become the person that we have told him that he is. Because why not?
Don’t do that to yourself! Not liking your body creates resistance to becoming your weight loss vibrational match.
While we don’t have someone actively speaking these things to us to tell to stop, we have to tell ourselves to stop instead. Negative self-talk doesn’t work to get you to the person that you want to be, you need to match yourself up to that person and cheer yourself on as if you have already become that person.
Instead of hating where you are now, accept it. Don’t focus on what you don’t like about yourself, focus on what you want to be to manifest the weight loss. Making weightloss the center of your world spirals you into negative energy and diet mentality. Both of which are not the vibrational match that we want to be achieving.
The end goal is to not spend the rest of your life striving for weight loss, but to lose it and not have to worry about it again!
Get social with Barbara:
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
97 // End Weight Fluctuations from Emotional Eating Today!
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
There is a time and a place for therapy. And there is a time to work on your mental space.
I went to therapy when I was binge eating. I had one that specialized in eating disorders to deal with my anxiety and my relationship with food. It was really beneficial, but it didn’t help me the way that manifestation has. I was too problem-focused. Constantly thinking about what was wrong with me and nitpicking trying to find the problem that was causing my weight fluctuations.
You get into the energy of having to fix yourself.
What is your weight attached to that is causing your weight fluctuations? Is it attached to dieting mentality?
Energetically, YOU get to decide if your weight fluctuates.
Sure, dieting can make you feel good at the moment. Like you are accomplishing something? You’re on this high of losing weight, but then you plateau and sink back into emotional eating. Slowing growing your portion sizes and eating the things that you had avoided so well for so long.
It all goes back to your emotions. Feeling like you are failing then makes you eat that chocolate that you were hiding.
Weight Loss is NOT linear!
It’s ok to lose weight and gain a bit back. It’s not a failure. It’s normal.
Your body regulates itself. It isn’t built to just lose, lose, lose. It’s called homeostasis. Your body tries to keep itself alive by not allowing giant weight dips. It finds its balance and tries to regulate your weight loss. Causing the slight fluctuations.
Get social with Barbara:
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
96// Do You Have To Be Perfect To Get The Body & Skin You Want?
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
For years I believed that in order to lose weight I had to eat perfectly.
But this kept me in a state of fear around food and as a result I would struggle around food and "cheat" too often. I had to re-frame my perception of food and "cheating" in order to manifest my dream body.
In today's episode I talk to you about the reality about whether or not you have to eat perfect and how I managed to change my metabolism, my skin and my weight.
I cover how I manifested clear skin even though I used to break out with sugar and dairy
Get social with Barbara:
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 - www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
95 // Dealing with Diet Trauma to Enjoy Food Again
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
When you create your own reality, why do you make restriction your reality? That's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think diet or losing weight, isn't it? Restriction. Not getting to enjoy the things that you want. Eliminating sugar, and ice cream, and everything that you find amazing. Does the sound of diet, restriction, or losing weight make you want to rebel and binge instead? That's trauma.
Food trauma doesn't have to be your life.
Get rid of your dieting trauma! Diet mentality can be a large trigger for many people to set off emotional eating. It still can be for me sometimes as well. We have to eliminate the triggering trauma we have gone through around food to find the new mentality we need.
We get to choose our human experience.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Monday Aug 12, 2019
94 // Change Your Reality by Reconnecting with Your Body
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Babe, you are creating your own reality. The way you respond to people and those around you tells you exactly what your mental state is around that subject. It's time to become the observer and change your reality. If you want to balance your mind and body, you need to be able to reconnect with your body again. Not just listen to your head. Diet without the diet mentality so you can lose weight with ease, not restriction and deprivation.
Create a reality where you can still enjoy food while losing weight by listening to your body.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras

Friday Aug 09, 2019
93 // Changing Your Perception Around Weightloss
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
You can't do something easily that you have negative emotions around. Losing weight is so much more than just the strategy to get to your goal. To be truly successful, you must also evolve the way that you think about eating healthily and losing weight. You can lose weight in a natural, aligned way without feeling deprived.
It all circles back to your perception of what you are doing.
Get social with Barbara:
Follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/nodietbabe
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♡ For weight loss freebies, go to http://nodietbabe.com/free
Get My 36 Weight Loss Manifestation Mantras TODAY for only $11 – www.nodietbabe.com/weightlossmantras
iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/no-diet-babe/id1435023529